USHJA Outreach: Host/Management

Miss the Outreach Overview Webinar?

Applications to host 2024 Outreach Classes are open.

Host Application Form

Outreach Host Application How-to


Host Requirements

  • Complete to USHJA before publishing their prize list

Complete the Application Process:

   1. Review the specifications

   2. Complete and submit your application

   3. Download, sign and return the host agreement: 
              Host Agreement Category 1
              Host Agreement Category 2 (within USEF competition) 

Outreach Program Categories:

Host Fee: $30 per competition regardless of the number of days Outreach classes are held

Category 1: Outreach classes held within an unrecognized competition

  • There is no limit on the types of classes a participating show can offer beyond the USHJA Outreach Classes. However, points will only be awarded for classes listed as Outreach which are recognized under the USHJA Outreach Specifications
  • Is not held in conjunction with a USEF show.

Category 2: Outreach classes held in conjunction with a USEF rated competition

  • Is held within a USEF show must follow all USEF requirements for officials and staff
  • Outreach entries must be made on a separate entry blank

Participating Show Fees:

  • Host fee: $30 per competition
  • Outreach shows must remit $3 for every horse entered and this fee may be passed along to the exhibitors. Post show fees are due within 14 days to the USHJA.

Forms for Participating Shows:


Host Agreement Category 1
Host Agreement Category 2
(within USEF competition)

Fee Report Form

Competition Entry Form 

Outreach Flyer 

Golden Backstage Pass Flyer 

Outreach Awards Flyer 

Resources for Participating Shows:

  • Accident Preparedness Plan: to prevent accidents, when possible, deal with injuries as quickly and efficiently as possible, and deal with the aftermath of an accident
  • Licensed Official Search: Locate USEF licensed officials in your area. USHJA account login information is required to use the search. If you do not have a USHJA account or a "My USEF Account," please contact USHJA for assistance
  • Submitting Results 101
  • Course Designing 101 

Sample Courses:
Hunter #1 | Hunter #2 | Hunter #3
Jumper #1 | Jumper #2 | Jumper #3
Equitation #1 |Equitation #2
The material included in this document is for informational purposes only. USHJA makes no representations or warranties of any nature with respect to the information contained in this website. The USHJA shall not be liable to any individual(s) for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information obtained from this site/document nor for any damages, claims or actions arising directly or indirectly from its use.

Safety Guidance:

  • Helmet Guidance: Use of an ASTM/SEI-approved helmet is recommended at all times while mounted. An ASTM/SEI-approved helmet is required for participation in the USHJA Outreach Competition as well as any USEF horse shows. For a complete list of approved helmets, visit the SEI website.
  • Safety Cups: At all USEF approved events, FEI approved safety mechanisms must be used in conjunction with a safety cup that is at least 1 ½ inches deep and at least 3 inches wide for the back rail of oxers. For USHJA International Hunter Derby classes, caps on walls and gates with a separate plank style top element that can be knocked down are permitted. Learn more about safety caps from the USEF web site.
  • Sharps Containers: Sharps containers are recommended for the safety of all competition participants. Use of sharps containers at a USHJA Outreach Competition is not required, but are highly encouraged. Competitions interested in complying with USEF rules and regulations should have sharps containers. USEF Rule GR1210.4 requires that a minimum of one sharps container be provided per competition. Additionally, one sharps container per 50 occupied stalls must be available in facilities housing competition horses.