USHJA Webinars

The USHJA is proud to host online webinars via Zoom. The USHJA webinar series offers free, easy access to a variety of relevant topics featuring industry professionals for equestrians to view from anywhere.  

To join, click on a webinar link below and enjoy!  

  • Click on the Zoom webinar link provided to access the session
  • Enter your email address and name to join the session (you do not need to purchase a viewing account and no password is needed as this is a free session)   
  • Once logged in, the webinar should start automatically as soon as the course goes live
  • Participants will need a device that has audio capabilities
Each webinar lasts approximately 45-60 minutes and includes a Q&A session. If you would like to see a webinar about a specific topic, please email suggestions to
Webinar Date

Join us for part one of the Riding Program Management webinar series brought to you by the Recognized Riding Academy Program Committee.

Catherine Winter, owner of Ride Equisafe, will cover a variety of topics related to safety equipment for riding programs and instructors.

Register for the webinar HERE.

March 24
7 p.m. ET


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