USHJA Foundation: Their Stories Start With You!

Will you help us strengthen our hunter/jumper community?

Every donation makes a difference.

Every donation to the USHJA Foundation supports educational, humanitarian, and competition programs that strengthen the hunter/jumper community and sustain our sport’s growth.  We are dedicated to opening pathways of opportunity for USHJA members to enjoy our sport at the highest level, regardless of financial resources, and committed to helping members of our community in times of need.


You can support our community and strengthen our sport.

$100 will help preserve rare footage and priceless historical photos of our sport so that they can be enjoyed for generations to come.

$250 will help a Recognized Riding Academy pay their annual fee or hold a mini EAP.

$500 will help an equestrian learn from top clinicians through the Emerging Athletes Program

$1,000 will give a junior equitation rider the opportunity to attend a national final

$2,500 will help a fellow USHJA member recover after an injury or illness

The funds listed here are just a few examples of the ways your gift can strengthen our community.

General Fund

Support all of the USHJA Foundation's work.


  • Alvin Topping Grant
  • Chuck Keller Grant
  • Emerging Athletes Program
  • Gold Star Clinics
  • Horsemanship Quiz Challenge
  • Naomi Blumenthal Training Grant
  • Wheeler Museum
  • Zone Scholarships

Horseman's Assistance Fund

Emergency financial support for USHJA members after an injury, illness or catastrophic event.


  • J.T Tallon Memorial Equitation Grant

The United States Hunter Jumper Association Foundation is a non-profit 501(C) 3 organization. 
To make your tax deductible donation or for questions email or contact Penny Brooks at (859) 225-6736.