United States Hunter Jumper Association
3870 Cigar Lane
Lexington, KY 40511
Phone: (859) 225-6700
Fax: (859) 258-9033
General Department Emails |
Membership & Horse ServicesSubmit individual and organizational memberships, and horse registration, horse transfer, and horse lease questions to this mailbox. |
USHJA Committee InterestSubmit inquiries to the mailbox if interested in serving on a USHJA Committee. |
Points CorrectionsUSHJA Members seeking points corrections, or information should submit inquiries to this mailbox. |
USHJA GrievancesSubmit all general USHJA related complaints to this mailbox. |
USHJA Educational ProgramsSubmit questions on Emerging Athletes Program (EAP), Horsemanship Quiz Challenge (HQC), Gold Star Clinics, Recognized Riding Academy (RRA), Instructor Credential, Licensed Officials’ Clinics, Webinars, Wheeler Museum, and other education related topics to this mailbox. |
USHJA Horse WelfareSubmit horse safety or welfare related concerns to this mailbox. |
USHJA Competitive ProgramsSubmit questions related to USHJA Hunter, Jumper, and Equitation Programs, and the USHJA Outreach Program and USHJA National Championships to this mailbox. |
Sexual or Non-Sexual
USHJA AwardsSubmit Zone HOTY and USHJA Program awards questions to this mailbox. |
Officers - Log in for contact info |
Britt McCormick President |
David Distler National Vice President |
Robin Rost-Brown Vice President |
Charlotte Skinner-Robson Vice President |
John Bahret Secretary/Treasurer |
Executive Director |
Whitney Allen Executive Director (859) 225-6707 wallen@ushja.org |
Finance Department |
Lisa Moss |
Heather Sinclair Controller (859) 225-6727 hsinclair@ushja.org |
Georgia Holbrook |
Taylor Wienold Senior Accountant (859) 225-6719 twienold@ushja.org |
Jamie Martinez Accounting Analyst & Office Manager (859) 225-6709 jmartinez@ushja.org |
Gayle Day Accounting Coordinator (859) 217-6742 gday@ushja.org |
Executive Operations |
Mary Hope Kramer Executive Office Manager (859) 225-6704 mkramer@ushja.org |
Olivia Arden |
General Counsel |
Marianne Kutner USHJA Counsel (917) 892-7249 mariannekutner@gmail.com |
Membership |
Russ Longeway Managing Director of Membership & Customer Service (859) 217-6744 rlongeway@ushja.org |
Alexis Kolasa Membership & Customer Service Coordinator (859) 217-6741 akolasa@ushja.org |
Mackenzie Crabtree Membership & Customer Service Assistant (859) 217-6743 mcrabtree@ushja.org |
Rachel Lyman Membership & Customer Service Assistant (859) 217-6745 rlyman@ushja.org |
Sponsorship |
Jill Magee Insko Managing Director of Sponsorship and Event Relations (859) 225-6716 jinsko@ushja.org |
Jill Pritchard Sponsorship Fulfillment and Relations Manager (859) 225-6711 jpritchard@ushja.org |
Sport & Association Services |
Meredith Ekstedt
Director of Brand Marketing & Strategic Partnerships |
Terisé Cole |
Elizabeth Mayo |
MaryJo Peters |
Julie Mercer Digital Content Coordinator (859) 225-6732 jmercer@ushja.org |
Tricia Booker Editor of In Stride (703) 431-7103 tbooker@ushja.org |
Suzanne Dorman |
Joshua Mims Senior Designer (859) 225-6718 jmims@ushja.org |
Rachel Milewski Designer (859) 225-6720 rmilewski@ushja.org |
Kristin Rosenberg Awards and Merchandise Manager (859) 225-6710 krosenberg@ushja.org |
Gwendolyn Haag Awards and Merchandise Coordinator (859) 225-6702 ghaag@ushja.org |
Hunter & Jumper Sport Programs |
Katie Patrick Sport Director (859) 225-6725 kpatrick@ushja.org |
Jennifer Osterman Sport Department Managing Director (859) 225-6703 josterman@ushja.org |
Dominique Lien Sport Programs Coordinator (859) 225-6734 dlien@ushja.org |
David Warner Sport Programs Coordinator (859) 217-6740 dwarner@ushja.org |
Coleton Cook Sport Programs Coordinator (859) 225-6729 ccook@ushja.org |
Sara Murray Sport Programs Coordinator (859) 225-6735 smurray@ushja.org |
Lynn Johnson Sport Programs Assistant (859) 225-6714 ljohnson@ushja.org |
Zone & Affiliate Programs |
Melanie Mader Sport Programs Coordinator - Outreach & Affiliates (859) 225-6722 mmader@ushja.org |
Emily Martinez Sport Programs Coordinator - Zones (859) 225-6713 emartinez@ushja.org |
Competitions |
Steve Curtis Competition and Results Manager (859) 225-6731 scurtis@ushja.org |
Education Department |
Lauren Klehm |
Whitney Barnard |
Sarah Bernknopf |
Eileen Cody |
Denise Quirk |
Development Department |
Leighanne Howard Events Support Coordinator (859) 225-6721 lhoward@ushja.org |