2024 USHJA Zone Committee Member Elections

Welcome! Thank you for your membership, and we look forward to your participation in the Zone Committee member elections.

As a Senior Active or Senior Associate member in good standing, you are eligible to participate in the nomination and election process for USHJA Zone Committee members within your Zone.

The USHJA Zone Committee is made up of 9 members: four representatives (two designated Hunter and two designated Jumper) elected by the Zone membership, two members appointed by Affiliate Member Organizations (with the largest number of members), and three individuals appointed by the USHJA President.

The following provides an overview of the process for the 2024 Zone Elections. For more information on the election process, click here. For more information about the responsibilities of the Zone Committee, click here.

The 2024 USHJA Zone Committee Member Elections have closed.

2024 Zone Elections Timeline:

January 2

Nominations open for Zone Committee members.

March 1 Nominations close. The names of nominees who meet the eligibility requirements go to the Zone Nominating Committee for their consideration, and the Zone Nominating Committee will choose which nominees are included on the slate of candidates for the election.
May 15

Zone Committee elections open. The slate and biographies of each candidate will be posted to the USHJA Zone webpage and members will be able to review and cast their votes.

July 1

Zone elections close.

On or about July 15

USHJA will notify each newly elected Zone Committee member following the finalization of election results.

On or before July 31 The two largest USHJA Affiliate Member Organizations in each zone, as determined by their number of members, will be contacted to recommend a candidate for appointment to the Zone Committee.

A meeting will be held with each Zone Committee to identify recommendations for the position of Chair and Vice-Chair of the Zone Committee. 

The President’s recommended appointments to Zone Committee will go forward to the Board or Executive Committee for review.

October The newly created Zone Committee will attend the meeting of the existing Zone Committee to learn about the progress of the Zone’s work.

The newly created Zone Committees will be seated.


Zone Elections Questions and Answers:

Who makes up the Zone Committees?
The Zone Committees consist of four elected representatives** (two designated Hunter and two designated Jumper); two members representing Affiliate Member Organizations (with the largest number of members); and a minimum of three individuals appointed by the USHJA President.

**Commencing in 2024, Zones must achieve a minimum of ten percent (10%) voter participation to maintain the election process in that Zone. If voting falls short of this minimum percentage, the process will default to a system where the President makes appointments for the four seats in consultation with the Zone Chair, utilizing the slate of candidates developed by the Zone Nominating Committee.

What happens if too few are nominated?
If additional nominees must be added, the Zone Nominating Committee may put forward additional nominees with regard to: Zone level experience, geographic balance, technical expertise, governance expertise and constituency representation.

Can members nominate more than one person?

Can someone nominate himself or herself?
Yes. You may nominate yourself for a position, provided you meet the criteria and qualifications outlined.